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Hidden Military Heroes in Your Community

If you don’t think you know anyone in service, here are 4 ways to take a closer look. You may be surprised.

Hidden military heroes in your community.
Credit: Getty Images

It’s easy to gloss over military-related holidays when we don’t have family or a friend who has served in the armed services. April alone features five commemorative days: the whole month honors military children; April 4 is Gold Star Wives Day; April 6 is Army Day; April 14 is Air Force Reserves Birthday; and April 23 is the Army Reserves birthday.

Military heroes are closer than you may imagine. Even though I don’t live near a military base, my life is affected daily by those in my community who have served and who still serve in the armed forces.

Here are four sources of hidden military heroes in just about any community:

1.  The Reserves
We have several people in our church who are active reservists. They have been on multiple deployments and are an integral part of our country’s military family. It’s important that we take time to thank them for their service. We should also support their families while members are deployed or away on training.

2.  Parents and Grandparents
Even though they don’t wear a uniform, parents and grandparents struggle with a different set of circumstances—and fears—while their children and grandchildren serve. A kind word or simple act of gratitude like taking them out for coffee can make all the difference.

3.  Veterans
Many veterans are slow to stand up and be counted. Often they bear scars—visible and invisible—as a result of service. But they are a vibrant part of our communities. They carry a different set of life experiences that make them a valuable resource for employers, organizations and our young people.

Read More: Ballet Eases Iraq Veteran’s Anxiety

4.  The ROTC 
Most of us agree that serving in the military is a fulfilling choice, but we hesitate to encourage it before the fact. Young people who have taken a step toward military service by joining The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) are to be commended and supported.

Look for your community’s hidden military heroes. They may be working beside you at your job, volunteering with you in an organization or encouraging others through faith. By paying closer attention, you’re bound to find them!

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