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Where the Best Gifts Come From

Baking treats for a friend and counting life’s blessings.

Baking cookies
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. James 1:17 (NLT)

For most of my life I’ve struggled with feelings of falling short. If most of my house was clean, I’d fret about the room that wasn’t. If I exercised, I’d feel guilty about a poor food choice I made. If my child had trouble with a school subject, I’d worry I wasn’t doing enough as a homeschooling mom. And when adopting children to our family, the feelings intensified. Instead of focusing on all I was doing right, I’d feel burdened by things left undone like chores.

One day a wise friend pointed out, “You feel as if you’re failing, and throughout the day you confirm it by what’s left undone. Instead, try focusing on what you’re doing well and confirm all the things you’re getting right.” This advice was life-changing. My attitude improved and things became easier. I started seeing more clearly the good things that Jesus had brought into my life.

Our lives are filled with so many good and perfect gifts, but often we fail to see them because our minds are tuned into all of our shortcomings. The good news: We can control our minds! Once I started focusing on the goodness in my life, my heart was ready to release the frustration. Now when those feelings rise up inside of me, I look to find something to thank Jesus for. Instead of thinking, “I’m failing,” I try to look around and think, “Thank you, Jesus, for all I am and all that I have.” Jesus is faithful. He provides so many good and perfect things in our lives, but it takes shifting our minds to remember that!

FAITH STEP: Today whenever you’re thinking “I’m failing,” transform your thoughts. Thank Jesus for all He’s done in you and through you.

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