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Pray for Your Season of Love

Seasons of love with God at the center is the most that any family could ask for.

Prayer blogger Peola Hicks

To everything there is a season… A time to love. (Ecclesiastes 3:1a, 8a)

Summertime is a great season. It is not that I am fond of the hot weather—quite the contrary; I am not a fan of heat or the need for air conditioning. I like the summer because it is a time for family.

A while back we became empty nesters. Our house was quiet and I started getting used to not having a lot of people demanding my time. When I was going to be late or stopping to pick up something, I had only my husband to inform. If we did not feel like cooking, that was usually OK as well. Now this routine has changed, as I have two young adults home for the summer.

We look forward to having our youngest daughter come home from college during the summer. This year, we had an added member of the family: My nephew from North Carolina found an internship in New York and asked to live with us for the summer. Both of these young people enjoy home-cooked meals and a sense of family. My husband and I have attuned our ears to the constant coming in and going out. When we hear unusual noises in the night, we know that it is one of them, and sometimes their friends, so we are able to sleep through it.

Although their presence has established a new routine for us, it is an enjoyable one. I smiled one Sunday after church when I was walking upstairs to relax and my daughter called out, asking if I wanted to have lunch with her. I immediately stopped, and her next words were, “You can talk to Daddy some other time.” I took her up on the offer and just thought how much I love having this season to enjoy family. I realize that it does not last forever, and I am thankful that young people still enjoy our company. I want to make the most of it.

My husband and I are realizing that seasons can be short, but they leave such fond memories. I hope this summer has been a good experience for you as you have welcomed children and grandchildren into your homes and hearts.

I pray that God will keep us enjoying these seasons whenever they come. Seasons of love with God at the center is the most that any family could ask for. Pray for your season of love.

God bless you!

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