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Praying for the Sharks

Michelle Cox says it’s the unexpected details that need special prayer.

a mother prays for her children
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

I sent my youth pastor son, Jason, a Facebook message this week that read, “I’m praying for the sharks.”  Since Jason and his group of 65 teens were headed to the mountains for a week of church camp, that statement would probably be puzzling to most people, but because of something that happened when Jason was a teenager, I knew he would immediately understand what I was saying. Let me explain how “praying for the sharks” (praying about the details) came about… 

I’ve prayed for my sons since before they were born, and whenever they’ve gone on a trip, I’ve prayed over every aspect of their journeys. I’ve prayed over vacations and visits to see their grandparents, and then as my sons moved into their teen years when they went without us on youth and mission trips to faraway places, my prayers for them became even more detailed.   

Jason was about sixteen when I prayed with him as he was leaving for a mission trip to another country. I prayed for God to use him and the other teens and I asked God to touch Jason through what he’d encounter. I prayed for guardian angels to be with all of them on their flights and for safety while they’d be driving on unfamiliar streets and through dangerous neighborhoods.

And while I was on a roll, I prayed that none of them would get sick from the water, that their luggage would  arrive without getting lost, that the adults who were with them would take good care of them, and a host of other requests.

When I got through praying on that particular day, Jason looked at me teasingly, and he said, “Mom, you forgot to pray for the sharks so they don’t attack the pilot on our flight down.” We both got a good laugh out of that.

So now whenever I send a message that I’ve prayed for the sharks, it’s a simple reminder that I’ve taken some time and prayed for all the details.    

I used to believe that when my sons were grown, I wouldn’t have to worry about them anymore. But as the years have gone by, my prayers continue for my sons and have extended to my grandchildren and to those my sons minister to at their churches.

This mama is so thankful for the power of prayer and for the gift of knowing that God is with those I love even when I’m not. And I’m grateful for God’s protection for my family and those in their care.   

Do you need to pray for the “sharks” for your children? Send them out to face the world each day with the confidence of knowing that they’re covered with their mama’s (and their daddy’s) prayers.  

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