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A Common Bond

Two new moms as different as night and day find a common language through faith and their children.

A Common Bond

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. —GALATIANS 6:2

At first glance, Maria and I weren’t likely friends. From life experiences to languages spoken at home, our personal resumés screamed our differences.

But standing in her front yard on the day we met, I recognized the lonely, overwhelmed look in her eyes. I’d seen it before, in the mirror. I wrote down my phone number and told her to call if she ever wanted to walk to the park with the kids.

My days moved forward, filled with friends whose lives looked like copies of my own. I didn’t think much about Maria until she called a month later.

As we took stroller walks around the neighborhood, I learned more about her life. The details off ered me some perspective. When my stress level rose, I reminded myself of Maria’s  circumstances, and my heart shifted toward gratitude.

One day I sat at Maria’s kitchen table as our children played next to us.

Maria listened to my rusty Spanish while our babies did fine with their universal language of peekaboo. Maria’s eyes grew big as I shared some of my personal struggles.

“I thought I was the only one with problems!” she said. To me, my stress was obvious; to Maria, my life was a pretty package, wrapped in a perfect family. Her surprise surprised me. Our lives were so different, and yet we shared this: the need to hear someone else’s worries to gain perspective on our own.

Dear God, help me be vulnerable so others can see You at work.

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