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3 Tips on Teen Dating Apps

How to keep your teen daughter safe from online predators

Tips on teen dating apps. Photo from 123RF(r).

Whatever happened to the phrase we heard from our parents long ago, “You can’t date until you’re 16”?  Those days are long gone. Today, we live in a world where the mobile and tablet apps are changing the way teens meet and interact with new friends and potential dating partners.

Tinder, Skout, Tingle, MyLOL are just a few of the popular flirting and online dating apps that teens are downloading, and most of these apps only require you to be 13 years old or older.

Tips on teen dating apps-Photo from 123RF(r)Tinder is one of the most popular dating apps, and it helps users to connect through GPS. That is scary because your teen daughter or granddaughter can meet up with anyone right in the area where she lives.

Many of us believe that today’s technology belongs to the teens. It’s a big part of their world. Unfortunately, they do not think about the dangers that still exist.

These apps are giving online predators and catfishers (people who pretend to be someone else and scam people through online dating sites) new opportunities to target your teen daughter. What do you do?

1.  Talk to your teen daughter and explain that the dangers of online predators still exist. Now, though, they are also using apps. She might roll her eyes and tell you you’re out of touch with reality, but do it anyway.

2.  Find out what apps are on her cell phone or tablet and ask her if she’s using any of these apps. A lot of teens use these apps for fun or to connect with new friends. Some teens know the dangers and never meet online friends.

3.  If your daughter is dating someone she met online, check the person out. Invite him over for a family dinner or event. Spend time getting to know who your daughter is dating.

Stay encouraged today. You have been called to do great things through Christ who knows you best and loves you most. Let’s keep our daughters and granddaughters or any teen girl we know safe.

The Lord tells us in Leviticus 19:11, "Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another."

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