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When Bald Becomes Beautiful for a Youth Pastor

When shaving a head is about faith.

When shaving a head becomes about faith
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

I didn’t expect to cry while watching a Facebook Live video this week, but I did. My youngest son, Jason, is a youth pastor. Every summer, he plans a week of camp for his teens—a time to draw closer to God through wonderful services and to have fun careening down a long twisting water slide into the lake. 

This year, Jason did something a little different. He issued a challenge to his young people and told them that if they’d invite their friends and get a total of 96 teens to come to camp, he’d shave his head while they were there. They met the challenge, and he fulfilled his promise. Hence, the live video that I watched from home. My son arrived in this world with a head full of dark hair, so I’d never seen him bald before.

I shed a few mama tears as well. I don’t know that I’ve ever been much prouder of them. Bald truly became beautiful that night as a youth pastor and his wife’s hearts were revealed—hearts that cared about their teens, hearts that desired to reach more young people so that they could hear the greatest news ever told.

My husband and I have had the blessing of seeing all three of our sons and their wives serving the Lord. That verse from 3 John 1:4 is so true, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”

I’m so grateful Paul and I kept our children in church. I’m glad we taught them about Jesus and that we memorized Bible verses together. I’m glad we sacrificed and sent them to church camp and on mission trips. It was one of the best investments we ever made—because seeing our adult children serving God is one of the greatest blessings we’ve ever known … even when they aren’t sporting a brand-new bald look.

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