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5 First Aid Tips for Pets

Advice for helping pets in crisis

5 First Aid Tips for Pets

Last summer, when my dog Kelly chased some ducks into the lake and got in over her head (literally!) I was alarmed, but I was also prepared to administer mouth-to-muzzle breathing, if need be. Fortunately, she was okay. Knowing how to treat minor cuts and scrapes is just part of keeping our furry friends healthy and safe. Here’s what else you should know:

1. Know who to contact. 
In addition to the phone number of your regular veterinarian, you should know the location and phone number of the nearest emergency veterinary facility.

Also know how to contact the ASPCA National Poison Control Center ((888) 426-4435) or the Pet Poison Helpline.

2. Learn canine or feline CPR.
We all know this is a good idea, but now’s the time to follow through. Check with your local veterinarian, humane society or American Red Cross for classes.

Or, consider lessons from Pet Tech, a training center dedicated to first aid, CPR and care for dogs and cats.

3. Learn rescue breathing.
If your pet is not breathing, remember to stay calm.

First clear the airway of any foreign object. Then close your pet’s mouth with your hand, and breathe directly into its nose. Complete directions are available through the American Veterinary Medical Association.

4. Be aware of signs of shock.
Shock may happen after a severe injury or illness. Signs are: weak pulse, shallow breathing, nervousness, dazed eyes. If you notice signs of shock, seek medical attention for your pet immediately.

5. Know what goes in a first aid kit.
A good first aid kit should include gauze pads, strips of clean cloth, hydrogen peroxide, a leash and a muzzle. Also consider tweezers, tick remover, fresh water, cold packs and a blanket. You can purchase a pre-made kit through the American Red Cross.

Bring the kit with you on hikes and outings.  

There! Now that you’re all prepared, have a wonderful and healthy summer!

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