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5 Stories of Heaven-Sent Pets

These pets were mysteriously led to their owners. Could it be more than coincidence?

Sleeping dog and cat
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Our pets often feel like they were destined to be a part of our family. It begs the question—is something bigger working behind the scenes to bring together pets and their humans? In the case of the following animals, the answer is yes. Here are five inspirational stories of heaven-sent pets that prove some things are just meant to be.

A Life-Saving Greyhound

When Amanda Evans-Nash first met her greyhound, Jimmy, she knew there was something special about him. Amanda volunteered at a rescue shelter for greyhounds and had met dozens of them. But she was especially drawn to Jimmy’s sweet and docile manner. So, she decided to adopt him. For years, he was the perfect dog. Then, one day, he began acting oddly. He started repeatedly shoving his nose into her underarm! No matter how many times she pushed him away, he’d go back again. Was he trying to tell her something?

Learn about how Jimmy saved Amanda’s life, here.

The Perfect Companion

After LeAnn Covis’ horse, Lightning, died, she was worried for her other horse, Storm. The pair had been inseparable. Without her friend, Storm was depressed. LeAnn had tried for weeks to find a new companion for Storm, but none were the right fit. She finally gave up. Then one day she went to the store to buy grain and started chatting with a stranger. He mentioned a horse that needed a retirement home that only lived ten minutes away…

Read how a chance encounter helped this horse family heal.

A Mysterious Voice

When she was forced to part with her beloved daschund, Sarah Cole worried she would never find the perfect dog again. She’d decided it was best not to even look. Then one day while driving home from work, she heard a clear voice say to her, “Go to the humane society.” She tried to resist, but the voice was insistent. She finally went. But none of the dogs seemed right. Had she misunderstood?

See if Sarah ended up finding the perfect pup.

A Church’s Tabby Cat

The tabby cat appeared out of nowhere, hanging around outside Sue Kjellsen’s church. She tried to find his owners, but to no avail. She watched the classifieds for a missing tabby post, but none appeared. What are we going to do with you? Sue wondered. Leaders at the church said the tabby was welcome to live there, except they weren’t sure if the rector, Hank, would allow it. He wasn’t a cat person. That is, until he met this tabby cat.

Read how one tabby brought a community together.

An Unexpected Friend

Patricia Thomas wasn’t sure she would ever get over the death of her husband, Tony. She’d pictured them living out their golden years sipping sweet tea on the back porch of their farmhouse they’d purchased for retirement. Tony used to make fun of Patricia’s desire for a little Yorkie dog. His dream was raising champion hunting dogs.  “Can’t I talk you into a beagle or a Lab?” Tony would say. “Enjoy your hounds! I’m getting a Yorkie,” she’d retort. But Hank had been right. Yorkies weren’t really farm dogs. She’d never even seen one out near her home. Two years after he’d passed, Patricia was making coffee one morning and happened to glance out of her window. Something small and furry was emerging from the woods, into her backyard…

Learn how a divinely-sent friend helped Patricia overcome her loneliness.

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