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Cat Skills

Why her feline friend learning new tricks is always a surprise.

My cat, Kissy, is mostly white, as you can see, but the little bit of black he has makes him look more like a cow. (And, of course, there’s the “udder”-looking belly that hangs down!)

Kissy has been my companion for many years now, and he is always surprising me by learning to do new things.

A friend gave Kissy to me when he was a kitten, and the first thing he did was to climb up to my face and begin to “wash” it. That first trick was how he got his name. Whenever I was going through tough times, Kissy was there for me, giving me kisses and comforting me. He snuggles under the blankets with me and then lays his head by mine. I wake some mornings and find I have a neck warmer!

Kissy is about 8 years old now and still gives me kisses—and he’s got another interesting skill. One day I taught him to open the bi-fold bedroom door by showing him he could put his paw under it and pull till he could squeeze through. He had to make several attempts to get it open wide enough—but he did it!

Then I taught him to stand up and lean on the inside of the door, to open it if it got closed while he was in there. Now he can go in and out as he pleases.

God just knew I needed this small friend and brought us together. Several other cats have entered my life and left it, but my Kissy is still around!

—Bettie Pfeiffer, guest blogger

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