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Cats Change Just Like People!

In the six and a half years she’s lived with me, Mimi has developed into a loving, chatty cat, a companion who has overcome her fearfulness and became truly related to those around her.

First off, let me give a loud shout out and a big Happy Birthday to Mimi, my female tuxedo cat, who has reached the ripe old age of seven this month. (That equates to 45 in humans!)

And my, has she changed and grown. When I first brought Mimi home, I thought she was mute. She didn’t mew or meow for nine months or more. One day, she let out a little squeak. Then she began to chatter when the pigeons, starlings and blue jays outside the bedroom window excited her. Now, she’s a real talker. She welcomes me home, tells me when she’s hungry and when she wants attention. Sometimes she just likes to chat. I haven’t a clue as to what she’s saying but she’s adamant about whatever it is.

She’s also transformed herself from a skittish kitten into an incredibly loving lap cat. She now greets guests when they arrive and hangs out with us through their visits, something she never would have done even a year ago. 

In the six and a half years she’s lived with me, Mimi has developed into a loving, chatty cat, a companion who has overcome her fearfulness and became truly related to those around her. Mimi has taught me that when we’re treated with respect, kindness and love, we all naturally open up and let our loving side out.

So Happy Birthday, Mimi-kins! And wishes for many, many more!

—Anne Simpkinson

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