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How God Brought Her Horses Together

After LeAnn Convis’s horse Storm lost her pasture mate, she searched endlessly for another horse to adopt but none felt like the right fit. It was when she went to buy more grain that the store clerk told her about a golden palomino named Kado, who lived just 10 minutes away and needed a retirement home. Will he be a good companion to Storm?

After LeAnn Convis’s horse Storm lost her pasture mate, she searched endlessly for another horse to adopt but none felt like the right fit. It was when she went to buy more grain that the store clerk told her about a golden palomino named Kado, who lived just 10 minutes away and needed a retirement home. Will he be a good companion to Storm? 

Photo credit: Steve Koss

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When Storm’s companion, Lightning, died after breaking his leg, she wasn’t the same. She wasn’t eating well and didn’t want to socialize. She was heartbroken.

Photo credit: Steve Koss

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Money was tight, so LeAnn was looking to adopt another horse or even take in an abused horse. Meanwhile, she was worried about Storm, who stood listlessly in the pasture.

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Photo credit: Steve Koss

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When she heard about Kado, she had to go meet him. She had always wanted a palomino. 

Photo credit: Steve Koss

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LeAnn visited Kado for weeks, slowly building a bond, before bringing him home to meet Storm.

Photo credit: Steve Koss

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LeAnn wasn’t sure how the two would greet each other. But Storm sniffed Kado and then ran the property, showing her new friend their home.

Photo credit: Steve Koss

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When she saw Storm come to life again, LeAnn’s heart was full. Storm will always miss Lightning, but Kado helped her heal.

Photo credit: Steve Koss

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LeAnn visits with the horses daily and knows they’re all meant to be together.

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