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Meet the Pets Helping Guideposts Staffers Work from Home

How our animal companions are comforting and inspiring us during a difficult time.

It can be stressful and hard to focus while working from home; the unavoidable interruptions and feeling disconnected from coworkers. Working remotely through a pandemic adds another layer of stress. Many Guideposts staffers have their pets to thank for much-needed breaks, laughs, comforting snuggles and moments of relief during a time when so much is unknown, including when we’ll be able to return to our offices. Here are the pets we’re quarantined with—and very grateful to have supporting us.

Bilbo the cat snuggling up with Mari.

1 of 10 Bilbo: The Perfect Cuddler

“Bilbo is an indoor cat, and his hobbies are sleeping, eating and complaining if those needs are not met on his timeline. He spends most of his day relaxing on our fluffy, white blanket in the study. When I get too stressed, I lay down with him for a cuddle. It’s a good reminder to slow down.”

—Mari Pack


Charlie the dog with Megan Troise.

2 of 10 Charlie: Always Ready for Some Fresh Air

“Charlie loves to sit on our balcony. He goes in and out as the day goes on. It seems like he always wants me to open the door when I need to take a break from the computer. I’m glad he forces me to get up, step away from the screen and get some fresh air with him.”

—Megan Troise

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Desmond the cat relaxing in the computer chair.

3 of 10 Desmond: The Serious, Lap-Sitting Coworker

“While there are some perks to working from home—like getting to stay in your slippers all day—it can get lonely. And though I miss my co-workers, my cat, Desmond, does a good job of keeping me company. It’s a job he takes very seriously. He spends most of the day in my line of sight. Sometimes, sleeping in my lap as I edit a story. Or trying to knock over my mug of coffee while I’m on the phone. Or biting my ankles when he’s bored and wants to play. But he’s always there. And, even though he steals my chair whenever I get up, it’s hard to stay mad at that face.”

—Elena Tafone

Gabriel the dog with the family.

4 of 10 Gabriel: Grateful for Midday Walks

“Stuck at home, I’ve been taking Gabriel for lots of walks in the middle of the day when I’m usually at the office. Even in our crowded Manhattan neighborhood it’s impossible not to notice spring bursting out all over. The other day, Gabriel and I walked past a crabapple tree in front of a large apartment complex. He and I actually walk past this tree almost every day—except usually we pass it in the dark on Gabriel’s last walk before going to bed. The crabapple was in full bloom and for the first time I noticed just how glorious it is. I’m grateful for these midday walks—and reminders of God’s work.”

—Jim Hinch

Penny (black Lab) and Lincoln (Lab mix).

5 of 10 Penny and Lincoln: Providing Comfort and Love

“My dogs, Penny (black Lab) and Lincoln (Lab mix), help me by helping my kids—comforting them, playing with them, just being there for them.”

—Kelly Mangold

Samantha and Stryder lounging.

6 of 10 Samantha and Stryder: Patiently Wait for Their Walk

“I have been working mostly at the kitchen island and Samantha and Stryder wait by the doors hoping I will take a break and go for a walk with them—but I can only physically manage them one at a time!”

—Heather Dennis

Chloe and Roo relaxing.

7 of 10 Chloe and Roo: The Silly Pups

“Now that the whole family is working from home or online learning, Chloe and Roo’s sleep schedules have changed a lot! They make due by finding a patch of sunshine to catch a nap but when curiosity gets the better of them, they wander over to my desk to see what’s going on. The best view is from my lap, which is also very calming for me. Love these silly pups!”

—Michele Ju

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Juniper the dog and Meg.

8 of 10 Juniper: Enjoying Puzzle Time Together

“When you’re working at home, there’s not a lot of things to break up the day. So the thing I look forward to most now at home is puzzle time. That’s when Juniper comes in from his midday walk. He gets a snack in a plastic puzzle for dogs. It has different compartments that you get into with levers and slides. I never miss a chance to cheer him on. He got the slides right away. Now he’s got the levers down pat. But he still struggles with the pegs. Sometimes he knocks one over with his nose to get the treat underneath. Sometimes he tries to use his paw like it’s a slide. But he still hasn’t quite figured out the trick yet. I know he’ll get it one of these days and I’ll be there to see it, knowing how hard he worked to get there.”

—Meg Belviso

Ruby the cat.

9 of 10 Ruby: One of Many Blessings

“My wife and I have three dogs and three cats. This is Ruby keeping me company while I work. All of our animals are a blessing during this difficult time.”

—Danny Harris

Squeak the cat.

10 of 10 Squeak: A Reason to Laugh and Play

“It helps to have Squeak (and his friend CC) around while working from home and social distancing because they give me a reason to laugh. Petting and playing with them is relaxing when everything else is somber and stress-inducing.”

—Jeanne Todaro

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