Service Animals

Service animals bring gifts of safety and comfort to their owners. Dog service animals also give their owners the ability to move through their lives in ways that would otherwise be daunting, if not impossible. Whether it’s dogs or cat service animals in your life, these creatures are to be treasured for their generous, loving hearts.

Melanie often makes Dillie her favorite spaghetti dish.

Meet Dillie the Deer

When a three-day-old blind fawn was brought into veterinarian Melanie Butera’s emergency clinic in 2004, she feared the fragile creature wouldn’t survive. Since then, Dillie the deer has captured the world’s attention.

Bringing Smoke Home

Bringing Smoke Home

It’s a U.S. Marines tradition to never leave a comrade behind. As far as John Folsom was concerned, that rule applied to Smoke, a wild donkey he met while serving in Iraq: Folsom devoted more than three years to arranging Smoke’s transport to Nebraska.

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