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Writing Letters for Lent

She resolved to write a letter a day for Lent. It changed her life.

A close-up of a woman's hand writing a letter; Getty Images
Credit: Georgina Palmer

I am terrible at giving things up for Lent. I try sweets, but I don’t really have a sweet tooth. I can’t give up caffeine because I don’t drink coffee. And during this stage of my life with young children, I don’t do many things outside of the house that I can give up. So one year, I decided to take something on instead: I pledged to send someone in my life a letter every day.

Each morning, I would see who came to mind, such as my brother-in-law, a niece, and a college roommate. I prayed for them, and then I wrote the letter, loaded with memories, hopes, and/or general life updates.

As I poured into these pen-on-paper letters, my heart began to swell. I found myself dwelling on the good memories and moments in my life. What’s more, my mailbox began to fill up! Even people I talked with through email took the time to write back on paper, their letters creating kind of a holy space within our generally casual relationships.

I couldn’t keep up once Lent ended, but the 40 days of intentional practice taught me more about the meaning of Lent. And helped change my mindset. And These days, when I think of friends, I don’t just wonder; I reach out and wish them well and share my hope for joy in their lives.

Excerpted from Walking in Grace.


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