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Getting Your Heart Ready for God

Getting ready for time with God.

Getting your heart ready for God
Credit: Getty Images

A couple of out-of-state friends are coming to stay with us soon. He’s a bachelor, and I’ve begged him to come for a visit and a home-cooked Southern meal for several years, but we were never able to work out our schedules.

So I was delighted when I heard that he and his girlfriend were coming for the weekend. I immediately began to plan the meal and a decadent dessert. My chicken penne pasta (the most-requested entrée from my repeat guests). Fresh green beans simmered with a hunk of ham. Roasted carrots. Hot yeast rolls. And for dessert? A flaky pie crust filled with a cream cheese mixture, topped with toasted coconut and pecans, and then drizzled with caramel sauce. 

Healthy? Not a bit, but it will be a nice treat for a special occasion.

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I’ve also been on a tight deadline for a book project while juggling my usual writing deadlines and working part-time for our family business. Cleaning has been at the bottom of the list for the last five weeks while I’ve lived at my computer.

When I looked at my house with “we’re having company” eyes, it wasn’t a pretty sight. I’ve spent the past few days attacking dirt and dust as I’ve encountered them. I’ve washed the guest towels. But I’m getting ready to do some deep, serious cleaning. I want things to be nice when my company arrives.

All this preparation led me to think, how much effort do I put into preparing my heart and soul for Jesus’ visits? Are there spiritual cobwebs that need to be swept away? Messes that need to be cleaned up so that I am ready when He wants to spend time with me?

And just as I planned a big meal to please my dear friend, when is the last time I’ve planned to spend time with Jesus? When did I last clear my busy calendar so I can have some quiet time with Him? When have I put some praise music on so I could worship Him? When have I spent time in His Word so that I’ll know His heart?

I want my guests to know that they are welcome, but even more, I want Jesus to know that my heart is ready and always open to His oh-so-precious visits.

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