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Giving Thanks To God

How can we give thanks to God for all of the blessings he’s given us? By remembering and celebrating His mercy and grace. 

Giving thanks to God

My sister’s family stayed with me during their spring break and wanted to go to the Georgia Aquarium in Atlantaan amazing place! My daughter and I were invited, so we decided to go with them.

Because of my photography, I knew I would have a separate agenda from everyone else, so I told them I would meet back with them before we left. I decided beforehand to skip lunch and photograph straight through.

I took my time at each section enjoying all the Lord’s creatures big and small. It amazed me seeing the diversity and uniqueness of each one.

One of my favorite exhibits was the Southern sea otter because of the great experience I had and the photographs I captured. When I first got to the exhibit, I did not know what animals to look forthere was just a lot of ice on a concrete slab and a pool behind it.

I walked around to the pool and found several otters swimming. They did not stay in the water long and wanted to play in the ice so, I quickly headed back. I decided to set up my equipment next to a wall, so I would not be in anyone’s way and camped there for a long time.

It was St. Patrick’s Day and aquarium workers and volunteers prepared shrimp and other foods, then added green food coloring and froze it into ice cubes and sculptures. This was good to encourage natural behaviors such as foraging, as the otters looked through the ice for treats.

One otter laid on his back with a pile of ice on his belly. He looked like he was praying and thanking Jesus for his food even though he was really playing with the ice.

As we look back on our blessings, what can we thank Jesus for? 

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