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God’s Gift of Flowers

In spring, Guideposts blogger Michelle Cox rejoices in God’s creation, especially in the colors of May flowers.

Spring is the time to rejoice in God's creation.
Credit: Getty Images

April showers bring May flowers. I don’t know about you, but after a long snowy winter, the thought of flowers makes me so happy.

When those first oh-so-wonderful warm days of spring arrive in the mountains of North Carolina where I live, I want to immediately plant flowers on my deck and in my yard. But I’ve learned that I must wait until after Mother’s Day to avoid the risk of late-spring frosts. It kills me when I see all the colorful blooms at our local hardware stores and nurseries, and I have to be patient.

But now it’s almost time to plant. Those vivid bursts of color will bring me joy all summer, especially when hummingbirds and butterflies zoom in for a taste of nectar.

God’s fingerprints are on all His amazing creation if we’ll just look for them. Flowers are no exception…

Flowers range from vivid reds to soft whites and everything in-between. What could be more beautiful than a sea of bluebonnets, a carpet of multi-hued tulips or miles of sunflowers with all their faces turned upward? They’re all a reminder that He’s a God of great detail—so why should we ever worry that He doesn’t care about the details of our lives when He cared enough to create so many different kinds of flowers?

Sizes and Shapes 
There are small flowers like a pansy and bigger blooms like hydrangeas. There are more rounded shapes like daisies and spiky flowers like a gladioli. Each of them is beautiful in its own way. God feels the same about each of us. We might look in the mirror and think we’re ugly, but why should we be so hard on ourselves when the God of the universes looks at us and sees beauty?

Oh my, what could be more awesome than the aroma of a rose or a hyacinth? Or the pleasure of sweet honeysuckle or a bush filled with fragrant lilacs? What about the distinctive scent of a carnation or a lily? Each of them brings us pleasure and they’re a great reminder that we bring pleasure to God as well. We’re His blooms and He wants us to blossom so we can share the fragrance of Jesus with a world that so needs that.

It’s time for May flowers, folks! Enjoy those amazing blossoms and don’t forget to look for God’s fingerprints as you admire His handiwork.

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