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Happiness Is an Inner Beauty

When it comes to beauty, What Not to Wear‘s Carmindy is an expert. She also happens to be an expert on inner beauty and self-improvement, and she has a few quick-fix tricks to share!

TLC's makeup maven Carmindy

Our April 2010 cover girl, Carmindy, the makeup maven for the hit show What Not to Wear, believes that beauty comes from within.

“I’ve built my career by honing in on the natural beauty I find in each woman I consult. But do you know what I spend the most time doing?” she asks. “It isn’t mascara. It’s convincing a woman to see the gorgeous potential I see in her and to believe in her own gifts.”

Carmindy has some great tips to bring out your natural beauty that start way before you even touch a tube of lipstick: 

1. Drop the Flaw Focus
After two decades in the beauty biz, I know how difficult it is to shut out the negative messages coming at us every day. By focusing on what’s “wrong” with our looks, we’re fueling a damaging cycle that not only dulls our appearance but also darkens our days. Let’s celebrate our individuality and enhance our unique assets. You’ll find yourself on a new path, one that’s freeing and wonderful.

2. Boost Your Self-Confidence
Replace your old flaw fixations with a new focus on your best features. If you want to feel differently and are serious about looking your best, some serious reprogramming is in order. Commit to thinking differently about your beauty. Close your eyes and visualize your face. Shut down any negative comments and concentrate on one thing you’ve always liked about your looks.

3. Retrain Your Brain With Mirror Mantras
This is an uplifting statement you say to yourself while looking in the mirror. There’s no better facelift in the world than speaking positively about your beauty. In an instant you can change your thoughts, speak caring words and channel your whole spirit to appreciation. Positive attracts positive.

“Remember,” Carmindy says, “you feeling good and looking it radiates goodness out into the world. Beauty is magical. It’s powerful. And it only attracts more of the good stuff we want to come into the lives we share.” Now that’s a beautiful piece of advice we love passing on!

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