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20 Beautiful Lent Quotes to Inspire You

Stay motivated through the Lenten season with these quotes from Pope Francis, Saint Catherine of Siena, Howard Thurman, and others. 

Woman sitting in her garden reading a book with Lent quotes
Credit: Getty Images

Lent is a holy time of spiritual discipline and connection with God. These 40 days leading up to the Easter season can sometimes be trying, as we each pick something to give up in our lives. We might abstain from chocolate, alcohol, social media, negative thoughts or sarcasm. Whatever we choose, we can use Lenten prayers and inspirational Lent quotes to stay on our faith journey.

Orange and boxed Lent quote by Thomas Merton

Inspirational Lent Quotes

Stay inspired throughout the Lent season with these powerful quotes. Think about what the Lent season means to you and how you will spend it. What will you learn about yourself during Lent? What will you learn about your relationship with God?

  • “Even the darkest moments of the liturgy are filled with joy, and Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten fast, is a day of happiness, a Christian feast.” Thomas Merton
  • “Lent is a time of going very deeply into ourselves… What is it that stands between us and God? Between us and our brothers and sisters? Between us and life, the life of the Spirit? Whatever it is, let us relentlessly tear it out, without a moment’s hesitation.” —Catherine Doherty
  • “Hold on dear friend, for this is not the end. You have traveled so far and you have worked so hard. Carry on with courage and do not give up. And not because things will be easy but because these seeds you are sowing matter, and they will grow in time, if you do not lose heart.” —Morgan Harper Nichols
  • “God refuses to give up, and we who are enlisted to be fellow-workers with God know that the only reason we continue is that death did not have the last word; that Good Friday was not the end of the story.” Desmond Tutu

Smoky blue Lent quote by Saint Catherine of Siena

Saint Quotes on Lent

Let the wise words of the saints guide you through Lent. Each of them lived lives of devotion and sacrifice. What can we learn from their quotes? Perhaps the act of giving something up can also teach us about the act of giving something back.

  • “Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring.” —Saint Catherine of Siena
  • “Do you wish your prayer to fly toward God? Make for it two wings: fasting and almsgiving.” —Saint Augustine of Hippo
  • “My whole strength lies in prayer and sacrifice; these are my invincible arms; they can move hearts far better than words, I know it by experience.” Saint Therese of Lisieux
  • “Men lose all the material things they leave behind them in this world, but they carry with them the reward of their charity and the alms they give.” Saint Francis of Assisi

READ MORE: How to Pray with the Saints

pink flowers with a lent quote by Pop Francis

Short Lent Quotes

Need a quick pick-me-up of inspiration during the Lenten season? You might be surprised by how much a short Lent quote can help you. Make the micro habit of placing them somewhere you can see them through all 40 days, like in your daily planner, on a sticky note by your desk, or a notepad next to your bed.

  • “O Lord, make this Lenten season different from the other ones. Let me find you again. Amen.” —Henri Nouwen
  • “The less we have, the more we give. Seems absurd, but it’s the logic of love.” Mother Teresa
  • “During Lent, let us find concrete ways to overcome our indifference.” —Pope Francis
  • “Uproot vices and root values anytime, anywhere and any day.” ―Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Empty road stretching toward the sunset with a Lent quote by Howard Thurman

Lent Quotes About Fasting

Fasting from whatever we are giving up during Lent can be challenging. Whether you are giving up sugar or spending less time on your cellphone, quotes about fasting can help you stay on track. See if you can stay inspired enough to continue any positive habits you pick up past the Lenten season.

  • “Lenten fasts make me feel better, stronger, and more active than ever.” —Catherine of Genoa
  • “Keep fresh before me the moments of my high resolve.” Howard Thurman
  • “There’s something about it that makes sense, Lent. You give something up, and everything’s more joyful.” —Elaine Stritch
  • “The Lent period of fasting should be passionately pursued.” ―Lailah Gifty Akita

READ MORE: 10 Inspiring Bible Verses for Fasting

A show of a wall with a Bible Lent quote from the Book of James

Lent Quotes from the Bible

The 40 days of Lent signify the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and resisting temptation. Even though the word “Lent ” is not in the Bible, we can still look to Scripture for comfort and prayer as you move through your own 40 days of sacrifice. May these quotes from the Bible keep you motivated through the Lenten season, from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday.

  • “You know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” —James 1:3
  • “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” —1 Peter 5:6
  • “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” —Matthew 6:33
  • “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” —Romans 12:12

READ MORE: 20 More Lent Bible Verses for Reflection and Guidance


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