The Message of Easter
God promises that there is nothing to fear in life or even death itself.
Mental and emotional health rank just as high as physical health when it comes to your overall well-being. Whether you have a diagnosed mental health concern like depression or anxiety, or are curious about how to improve your emotional life, investing in robust emotional health is a worthy and important priority.
God promises that there is nothing to fear in life or even death itself.
The former This Is Us star reveals the hardest thing she’s ever done, her real-life hero and her favorite prayer.
These six tips will help you feel more relaxed, focused and ready for any challenge.
Along with prayer, here are some of the greatest gifts we can offer.
Her stress became intolerable so she developed a plan that changed her life.
A poem that models the complex yet powerful process of letting go of challenging feelings.
It’s a painful but common emotion that can be managed in a healthy way to fuel your positive thinking.
Taking a step back from social media—and being more mindful with it—helped me feel hopeful.
New research connects a troublesome habit with emotional stress.
A small, sweet rhyme helps me find my feet on days when the stress starts to swirl.
Keep your emotional toolbox handy to keep yourself calm and clear when the unexpected comes to pass.
A new study reveals that being in natural spaces not only makes us feel good, it can lower our health care costs.