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Stuck in a Rut? Think Positive!

Are you stuck in a rut? Try these 3 positive thinking tips from Norman Vincent Peale, author of The Power of Positive Thinking.

1. Change your pace.
Who wants to go the same speed to the same place all the time? Is there something you do the same way day in and day out? Your diet? Your wardrobe? Your route to work? Change it! Pick one thing and do it differently just for variety.

2. See the zest in life.
Look around you. The world is a fascinating place. Make yourself see. Keep a notebook and every day write down one interesting thing. In one week you will see how amazing the world is.

3. Forget yourself.
The person who lives only for himself is the dullest of company—especially to himself! Reach out. Nothing will make you feel better than helping another person . . . through your church or synagogue, or even a stranger on the street. It’s guaranteed to get you out of a rut.

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