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5 Prayers for Caregivers During Times of Crisis

Use these prayers to refresh, refocus and avoid caregiver burnout during the Covid-19 pandemic.

A woman praying in her home.
Credit: Getty Images

Caregiving can be a tough job at any time. But throw in a worldwide health crisis and suddenly the daily demands of caring for another may increase exponentially. Of course, the coronavirus has upended life as we know it all around the globe, and caregivers are subject to all the same stresses as the general population—fear of the unknown, disrupted schedules, limited ability to get groceries and increased isolation, among others.

Eating well, exercising and staying connected to others—even if that means saying hello online—can help you avoid caregiver burnout. Connecting with God will also allow you to tap into His perfect peace. So the next time your fears, exhaustion and confusion attempt to overwhelm you, find a quiet place and try one of these prayers.

1. Holy Father, show me what to do now.

2. Dear Lord, even during these difficult days, help me find the sacred in every moment.

3. Merciful God, I turn to You to help me navigate this new world brought on by the coronavirus crisis. Each day brings new challenges; please help me make the best decisions day by day. When I feel isolated and alone, wrap me in Your loving embrace and remind me that Your love and guidance is always available to me. When I feel weary or frightened, grant me patience and renew my energy so that, with Your grace, I can continue to be a capable and loving caregiver.

4. Dear God, thank You for trusting me with the precious role of caring for another. Infuse me with Your strength when this crisis saps my energy; comfort me when I am lonely and fearful. Remind me that You are the Great Protector and that You are holding me and my family safely in your hands.

5. Lord, help me see Your presence in the midst of daily struggles. Replace my weary moments with Your infinite strength. Embrace me with Your loving arms when I feel isolated and alone. Reassure me with Your perfect peace when I am overwhelmed and anxious. Lead me towards compassion and love amidst moments of frustration and sadness. Today and every day Guide me to the simple gestures I can do to ease another’s suffering. Remind me in moments of weakness that with Your help I have everything I need to carry on.

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