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A Grieving Nurse Finds Comfort in Her Painting

Inspired by a dream, a career nurse uses her avocation, painting, to alter the way she views her mother’s death from cardiac arrest twenty years earlier.

Inspired by a dream, Linda Schadewald, a career nurse, used her avocation, painting, to alter the way she viewed her mother’s death from cardiac arrest twenty years earlier. Utilziing a rainbow palette of vivid colors, she turned the zigs and zags of her mother’s cardiac readout into a depiction of her ascension into heaven, thereby transforming long-held grief into joy and exultation.

Since that day, as Linda explains in her story in the February-March 2017 edition of Mysterious Ways magazine, she has used her artwork for healing.

Linda Schadewald with the tools of her artistic trade

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Linda Schadewald with the tools of her artistic trade

The painting that changed Linda's view of her mother's passing

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Coming Full Circle, the painting that changed Linda’s view of death

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Another of Linda's heart-rhythm paintings

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Linda was an art major in college before switching to nursing.

Another of Linda's heart-rhythm paintings

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It was a therapist who suggested Linda revisit her mother’s medical file, which led to her artistic revelation.

Another of Linda's heart-rhythm paintings

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Linda has made sympathy cards of her paintings to bring comfort to others.

Another of Linda's heart-rhythm paintings

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Linda encourages everyone to see not as a sunset, but a sunrise.


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