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Celebrating Three Years of ‘A Positive Path’

A milestone for positive life advice.

Leading a positive life
Credit: Getty Images

The traditional third wedding anniversary gift is leather, meant to symbolize that by the time a couple has been married for three years, their relationship is both durable and flexible. 

This week marks a third anniversary for a different sort of relationship—the one we’ve shared here at Guideposts since February 2017. Twice a week in this space, I’ve explored what it means to walk “A Positive Path.” I’ve written about approaching life with authentic positivity, especially searching for genuine optimism even in complex times. 

I do consider my work to be a relationship, a writer’s attempt to meet you wherever you are and offer a bit of hope, inspiration and insight to help you make any amount of adjustment you feel you need in your life—or to give you some space to take a break from working so hard to be “better.”

“Durable” and “flexible,” the words used to describe the meaning behind the third anniversary gift, are also watchwords of “A Positive Path.” The power of authentic positivity to make a lasting, sustainable impact on our lives is borne out by both scientific research and lived experience we share here. Cultivating healthy habits is an investment in your positive future, and together we can discover what that looks like.

Flexible thinking and non-judgmental curiosity are crucial aspects of the process. The freedom we feel when we’re excited to learn, grow and experiment with wellness strategies that can serve our lives can’t be overstated.

So no cows will be harmed in the third anniversary gift I have for you. Instead, please accept a simple offering of my heartfelt thanks for reading, for commenting, and for carrying the possibility of “A Positive Path” with you as you walk through each of your days. 

Here are some of my favorite posts from the past year, plus a walk down memory lane to the very first post in “A Positive Path”:

How to Set a Positive Weekly Schedule

Can Positive Thinking Help You Sleep Better?

3 Positive Aspects of Living Frugally

5 Easy Ways to Give Yourself a Fresh Start

Why Decluttering Now Will Help Your Family Later

February 2, 2017: Welcome to “A Positive Path”

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