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David Wheaton on the Role of Faith in His Career

David Wheaton shares what him inspired to pursue a career as a Christian broadcaster.


[JAZZ PIANO MUSIC] After I finished playing tennis on the tour for 13 years, I was 32 years old and I came back here to Minnesota to start living full-time. And my parents and I were on a trip up to our family cabin on the North Shore. And as we were driving home from northern Minnesota, we were listening to radio in the car. My mother told me out of the blue– she said, David, I think you should get involved in Christian radio. 

And she said that because our family had been so impacted by Christian radio. My grandmother was the first one who came to know Christ back in 1955 through hearing a pastor preach on Christian radio here in the Twin Cities. And my mother came to a faith in Christ a few years later. And so my mom knew how much an impact Christian radio had had on our family. 

And shortly after she said that to me, almost out of the blue, about six to eight weeks later, a local radio host who was hosting a sports program called me on the phone and said, David, I’d like to get involved in a new career. How would you like to take over my radio program? And so that’s really how it got started. And it was just the Lord sort of handing me something that was in my mother’s heart a few months earlier. 


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