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Knowing Your Work Matters

Persist in the work you were meant to do.

Your work matters
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Writing can be a solitary life. I often sit at home for days, weeks and sometimes months working on book projects, articles and other assignments. It’s bad when going to the dentist seems like a vacation. Seriously, some days I want to chase the FedEx driver down the driveway yelling, “Wait! I need to talk to a human being!” 

And sometimes I don’t see the result of my work. I know people buy my books, and on occasions, I’ll get a message online or even a letter that’s been mailed to my publisher. Or I’ll run into someone who says, “I love what you write.”

I had a woman contact me through my website to tell me that a chapter in one of my books convinced her to give her marriage a second chance. A dad private messaged me on Facebook to tell me he’d heard me speak on the radio, and it had convinced him that he hadn’t been spending enough time with his children. And then he went on to tell me how that had changed his relationship with his family. 

Those are the things that keep writers going, the moments that touch our hearts—but they’re often few and far between. But with my newest book, When God Calls the Heart, it’s been different. Because of the television show the book is based on and the 60,000+ Hearties in their fan club on Facebook, I’ve experienced something I’ve never encountered before.

I’ve gotten to see the faces of the people who are being affected by my work.

My co-author, Brian Bird, and I asked purchasers of our books to post pictures of them with the book when they received their copies or found it in stores. Dozens of pictures began popping up. Beautiful sweet faces. And comments about how God was using this devotional book in their lives. 

I was moved to tears. There was something so special about getting to see those faces and to see how God was using my simple words beyond my wildest expectations. Visual proof that my work was touching lives. 

Sweet friends, most of you probably aren’t writers. But God has given you a specific task to accomplish for Him. Some of you have dreamed big dreams for Him. You’ve worked hard—sometimes for years—and maybe it seems like nothing is happening. Or you feel like what you’re doing isn’t of value.

You’re wrong. You might not get to see the faces of those you’re reaching for Him, but there is no doubt in my mind that whenever we’re faithful to do what God has asked us to do, we are impacting the lives of others.

And, sometimes, God even gives us an oh-so-precious peek at the faces of those whose lives we’ve touched. So keep doing what you’re doing for Him. I can promise you it’s worth it.

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