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Online Church Services to Watch at Home

https://episcopalchurch.org/find-a-churchPracticing social distancing? Feeling isolated? Now you don’t have to miss church.

Grace Church in the East Village, Manhattan, New York City, Photographed January 2, 2020.
Credit: Katie Hogin

These are uncertain times. As the Covid-19 virus spreads around the world—sickening thousands, creating economic turmoil and shuttering schools, workplaces, stores and restaurants—many people are depending on their faith more than ever. Luckily, staying indoors—or practicing social distancing—doesn’t have to mean missing out on the uplifting atmosphere of a Sunday church service. From coast to coast, many churches are now live-streaming their services so that people people can still connect with their faith community in real time.

Below is a sampling of churches that are offering online services this Sunday—and beyond. You can also check your own church’s website and social media to see if you can tune in remotely.

Marble Collegiate Church, where Guideposts founder Norman Vincent Peale served as pastor for 52 years, live-streams its Sunday service at 11 a.m. ET and its Wednesday service at 6:15 p.m. ET. You can catch the services live, and view archived sermons, on the church’s website.

Grace Lutheran Church in Jacksonville, Florida, is offering both of its Sunday services—traditional worship at 8:00 a.m. and a contemporary service with music at 10:35 a.m.—live on Facebook. If you can’t make it in real time, don’t worry— they archive all of the videos so you can watch them later. 

Grace Community Church, a large, non-denominational, Evangelical church, based out of Los Angeles, California, live-streams their service every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. (PST). 

The beautiful and historic Grace Church in New York City is live-streaming their Episcopal Sunday services through May 17. They begin at 11 a.m. (EST).  

First Christian Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, is offering an 11 a.m. (EST) live stream of their service this Sunday. Join them on their Facebook page.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego, in California, offers Sunday Mass in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. These services are not live-streamed, but videos are uploaded to the website every Saturday night at 5 p.m. 

First Baptist Church of Gadsden, a 165-year-old parish in Gadsden, Alabama, live-streams its main Sunday service at 9:15 a.m. central time each week.

Saddleback Church, the mega-Evangelical church helmed by Senior Pastor (and best-selling author) Rick Warren, is based in Lake Forest, California. Saddleback has a total of 15 locations in California and four others internationally. They will be offering Sunday services live on their website at 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. (PST).

The Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., is offering online morning and evening prayer services Monday-Saturday at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. as well a Sunday Holy Eucharist live webcast at 11:15 a.m. on their Facebook page. You can visit their website for more information.

Presbyterian Church USA has compiled a list of resources for Presbyterian church communities. In addition to a list of links to live streaming Presbyterian services, it also includes information for pastors trying to stay in touch with their congregations and colleagues, ways to respond to community needs during this time, and guidelines and resources for sacramental celebrations. You can learn more here.

The Southern Baptist Church has a Church Search function, where you can locate local congregations. You can conduct a separate Google Search for them by name and visit their websites to see if they’re offering live-stream services.

The United Methodist Church has compiled a page of links to United Methodist churches in cities across the United States, and the Philippines, that are live-streaming their services. Each listing has the time that the service will occur, and goes directly to the web page it will air on. You can also use their Find-A-Church page to see if your local United Methodist congregation is offering live-stream services.

ChristianWorldMedia.com works kind of like Google for live-streaming church services. It’s a site that allows you to search for live-streaming services from all denominations, all over the world. You can refer to the list on the homepage of services worldwide that are live-streaming that day, or type a denomination or location into the search bar to see if/when your preferred service will air.

The Episcopal Church has a Find a Church page to help you look for local Episcopal congregations. To use, enter your zip code. In the search results, click on the church you’re interested in, then the link to that church’s site, where you can find out if they’re offering live stream services.

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is offering live devotions daily on their Facebook page. Information and additional resources can be found here.

The Southeastern District of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has a running list of churches in their district that live-stream their services.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has a Find A Congregation tool that will show you churches near you. Use it to navigate to the site of the congregation you’re interested in, where you can learn if they’re offering live-stream services.

Here’s a link to a list of search results for African Methodist Episcopal services that are live-streaming. If you prefer to join a live stream service closer to home, you can use the Find a Church function on AME’s official site to locate a local church, then find the church’s site through Google to see if they’re offering live streaming services.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has put together a page of resources that include links to online masses, live streams of Pope Francis’ masses, and a list of timely prayers and reflections.

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