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Sandy Blair on Helping Military Women Transition to Civilian Life

After experiencing her own struggles in transitioning away from the military, she came up with a way to help other women have an easier time of it.

I’m Sandy Blair, founder of Operation WEBS, here in Orchid, California. I am an Air Force veteran. I served 12 years in the United States Air Force, and I am from Jamaica.

Because of some medical issues that I experienced throughout my career, the Air Force decided I was unfit for duty, and within six months, I was discharged honorably. And that pretty much created a huge transition I was not prepared for.

There was no guidance on how to become a civilian again. It was a trying time, because every job opportunity I applied for, I was told I was overqualified. I became very depressed, just not having a purpose anymore. And not being able to provide for my kids really took a toll on me. But trying to fit into the civilian world again, it just was very, very…it was hard. It was depressing.

I kind of was learning about tiny homes, and I came with this idea and I brought it to my family. I said, “What would it be to build these tiny homes and create a place for women veterans? A place where we can feel secure and safe, a place where we can share stories and feel comfortable with being who we are, no matter what our background is?”

Operation WEBS provides an avenue for resources so we connect these women that we meet, who are ready to receive help. Personnel who can help them with their VA claims, who can help them get into the hospital, who can provide, you know, job resources for them. We don’t have boundaries, we don’t care where they come from. As long as they are willing and ready to rebuild their lives.

And the women we’ve housed have come from… three out of their cars, they had been living in their cars. One out of Good Samaritan, two of them out of domestic violence situations. So when I say immediate housing, once I get that call, it’s yes, let’s figure out what we’re gonna do.

I just know that in doing my small part to share the blessing that we’ve been given to be able to have this ranch, I feel like that small bit will pay itself forward every time we help one female veteran get back on her feet, regain that stability, regain that purpose, regain that self-worth. That she can continue to overcome all the challenges that she’s facing in her transition and beyond. That’s who we’re here to serve, and we do it best together, Women Empowered Build Strong. And yeah, that’s what we’re here to do.

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