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Healed of Breast Cancer

An angelic visitor offers hope and inner peace.

Sophy Burnham

This story comes from a woman in New Hampshire: In 1987, this woman developed breast cancer. After surgery and radiation, a new lump appeared. It was now December 1988 and she was scared out of her wits.

She had a doctor’s appointment for the week of Christmas. Dreading it, she prayed God to take care of her. Here’s what happened in her words: “I don’t know if I was awake or asleep when an angel appeared at the foot of my bed. He was the most beautiful being I have ever seen. The whole room was full of glorious light! There was a feeling of spring in the room: warmth, light, soft scents

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“I wanted to get up and go to him. He was dressed in something like a tuxedo, all silver or white, glistening with a blinding light. He had an ageless quality. His face was luminous. He was blond, and his eyes were piercing. He stood there looking at me. I was transfixed by his beauty and power.

“He said, ‘You have nothing to fear. The tests will show nothing. You have much work to do.’ Then he was gone. The trace of spring remained in the room. What a wonderful feeling!”

Later, when her doctor did the needle biopsy, she was laughing, joyful. The doctor thought she had flipped out. She told him not to worry, she was fine. But he just shook his head

Then on Christmas Eve, he phoned to say he had a real Christmas present for her: Life! She was cancer-free!


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