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Prayer Partners, Best Friends

Two women become closer when one is stricken with breast cancer, and in need of prayers.

Prayer brings Jamie and Christine closer than ever

I stared at my reflection. The bald, hollow-eyed woman in the mirror looked so tired and sad, nothing like a young wife and mom with her whole life ahead of her.

Maybe it was because I couldn’t quite trust that I had a future after being stricken with breast cancer at 33. Even though my surgery and treatment were behind me, I was unable to shake the fear and hopelessness.

I wanted to pray, but couldn’t quiet my mind enough to find the words. I called my old college roommate, Christine Hutchens. “Will you be my prayer partner?” I asked.

She didn’t hesitate, even when I explained she’d be doing all of the praying. “I’ve been wanting to do something for you,” Christine said. “I’ll call you every morning at six forty-five.” And she did, no matter how busy she was getting ready for work or her kids off to school.

For a while, all I could do was close my eyes and listen while Christine talked to God for both of us. Slowly I grew stronger and joined in, surrendering my burdens to God and thanking him for my blessings.

Four years later, my faithful friend Christine and I still pray together every morning. No wonder when I look in the mirror now, I see a woman glowing with health, with joy in the present and hope for the future.

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