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How To Celebrate Earth Day

Earth Day is always a good time to do inventory on earth-friendly practices. Here’s how you can celebrate Earth Day everyday of the year. 

How to celebrate earth day
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

April 22, 2016, the 46th anniversary of Earth Day! Some good habits have become second nature in my house. We are finally expert recyclers without having to double-check the guidelines with every single item besides newspaper.

We feed the birds (and squirrels) all winter long, and have mounds of sunflower seed shells to prove it. We shop weekly at our farmers’ market and eat more fresh, organic food than ever.


Some simple things I’ll focus on this year:

1)  Bags in Back!
I’ve remembered to put the reusable grocery bags in the back of my car, but darn if I’m at the checkout with a full cart when I remember that I forgot to take them inside with me. No more of that.

2)  Walking, Take Two
Last year, my Evie had her mind set on trying out for the middle school volleyball team. Competition was stiff and Evie was too. We started walking/jogging two miles as soon as I got home from work. Evie made the team, I was in better shape, and we had some good talks.

3)  Greenhouse Effect
I actually used the little greenhouse attached to the garage the first couple years after moving in. Nothing fancy but I was proud of my nasturtium, an edible flower that grows like a weed. And my basil, yum. Then, well, work plus kids plus pets plus garage overflow–who had time to water plants? The bikes are coming out of the greenhouse; something that loves sunlight is moving in!

4)  It’s About Time
I will no longer let the water run while brushing my teeth. The girls have been after me for years about this. In my family, we’re going to be angels on Earth Day.

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