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How to Find Joy and Peace—Even on a Bad Day

Authentic positivity means acknowledging and embracing the good, the bad and everything in between.

Having a bad day
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Last night, like at the end of every day, I took a few minutes to reflect on the past 24 hours. And my verdict was, “Today was a bad day… and that’s OK.”

That simple sentence is the most authentically positive one I’ve uttered during the entire coronavirus crisis so far. And I think it’s a sentence we all could use. What’s so positive about a statement that summarized a day that involved professional disappointments, sad news, family tension and the overarching anxiety of life during a pandemic? 

It Is True
Being positive means being honest without getting stuck in negative thought spirals. The facts on the ground support my assessment that today was simply not a good one.

It Is Time-Specific
Today was a bad day, but I won’t cast judgment on tomorrow until the sun sets on the day that is to come. Establishing the simple boundary of assessing today—and today only—helps me start fresh tomorrow.

It Gives Me Permission to Feel
It’s ok to have a bad day—simple as that. Being positive means making space to acknowledge and embrace that things don’t always go your way, while also holding onto both the knowledge that you can handle your challenges and the hope that better days are ahead.

Especially in this unsettled time, it’s important to keep authenticity right next to your positivity. Free yourself from the expectation that you can sail through this tough time without any hiccups or obstacles. Instead, when tough days show their faces, hold your head high, look yourself in the mirror, and say—Today was a bad day… and that’s ok.

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