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Peace on Earth, All Year Long

There’s a lot of talk about peace at Christmas. Here’s how to find peace all year long, says Guideposts blogger Michelle Medlock Adams.

How to find peace all year long, not just at Christmas.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6, NIV)

I couldn’t wait to decorate our Christmas tree this year. As Jeff wrapped the lights around the branches, I unwrapped each ornament that we’d carefully stored last year. Well, I thought we had carefully stored them.

As it turned out, I hadn’t wrapped all of the breakable ones in enough bubble wrap and tissue paper as a few were broken, including my red glittery “Peace” ornament. Instead of saying, “Peace,” it now said, “Pea.” Not exactly the same sentiment…

However, we had a good laugh about it and retired that ornament. (I am in search of a replacement, so let me know if you see a red glittery “Peace” ornament.)

So, I don’t have “Peace” on my tree this year, but I do have peace in my heart. I hope you do, too.

You know, there’s a lot of talk about peace during the Christmas. Some of us decorate our trees with it. We send out holiday greeting cards that say, “Peace to your family.” We sing Christmas carols and belt out the lyrics, “Peace on earth.” You might say that peace is quite popular during the holidays, but as Christians we don’t have to wait until Christmas to enjoy peace. In fact, if we welcome God into our lives, we can experience peace all year through.

I’m talking real peace, not the superficial, glittery kind that can be broken. God’s kind of peace isn’t a temporal thing that is affected by the outside world or negative circumstances. It’s a peace that passes all understanding, and it only comes from God.

John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

When things get crazy in your life, you can speak to whatever storm is raging (a financial difficulty, a struggling marriage, a wayward child or anything else) and say: “Peace be still” just like Jesus did when He and the disciples encountered a massive storm at sea. (Read the account in Mark 4.)

Truly, no matter what is going on in your corner of the world or the world at large, you can have a peaceful heart because the Prince of Peace resides there.

So I say, Merry Christmas and peace be with you this season and all year through.

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