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Sharing a Positive Milestone

Two years of positive living

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“Writing is an extreme privilege,” said the novelist Amy Tan, “but it’s also a gift. It’s a gift to yourself, and it’s a gift of giving a story to someone.”

This week marks the second anniversary of when I launched this blog—“A Positive Path”—on Guideposts. My twice-weekly posts mean I’ve shared more than 200 messages with you, messages that have been intended to uplift, inspire and support your journey toward an authentically positive lifestyle. 

This work is certainly both a privilege and a gift—for my life as well as, I hope, yours. The past year, I’ve experienced some personal challenges, and the process of navigating worry, sadness and stress has redoubled my belief that authentic positivity does not deny life’s negative realities, but instead invites us to walk through each day with awareness of whatever opportunities for positive thinking, learning and acting are available to us.

As an anniversary “gift” to you, I’ve assembled a few of the posts that were most grounding, sustaining and uplifting to me this year. Please share any of your favorites in the comments!

A Year of Positive Seasons
In this four-part series, I challenged myself to tease out what makes each season “the most positive” of the year. 

Why Winter Is the Most Positive Season

Why Spring Is the Most Positive Season 

Why Summer Is the Most Positive Season 

Why Fall Is the Most Positive Season 

Navigating Change and Challenge
Change can be for the better or…not, but working through it is almost always challenging. Here are some ways I reflected this year on how to stay positive on a changing path.

How to Bounce Back from a Setback

How to Navigate Change More Positively

3 Ways to Adjust to a ‘New Normal’ 

3 Ways to Stay Strong When the Storms of Life Attack

Cultivating Genuine Gratitude
Positive living asks us to cultivate the famous “attitude of gratitude.” Consider these posts reflections on thankfulness—and please accept them with my great gratitude that you are my reader!

Practice Gratitude by ‘Recognizing the Good’ 

The Positive Impact of a Thank-You Note

After Giving Thanks, Why Not Spread Kindness? 

As I embark on the third year of walking a positive path with you, I’m refreshed by these words from Rainer Maria Rilke: “And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”

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