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The Divine Beauty of Whales

Whale watching–seeing the divine in nature.

The divine beauty of whales.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

My daughter Evie is lucky enough to be on Cape Cod with family friends this week. The weather has been beautiful. They’ve been to two different beaches, went zip-lining, ate lobster rolls. But when she filled me on what they did yesterday, she was beyond the moon. Whale watching!

Somewhere on the internet is the story of a couple of young men in Sydney, Australia, who had the pleasure of a very close encounter with a whale. The big guy swam right up to their boat, seeming to need something. The young men saw a plastic bag and some fishing line caught near his mouth. When they removed it, the whale slapped the water with his fin as if to say thank-you. Imagine!

I’ve been on a handful of whale watching trips, and there really is nothing like seeing one of those huge animals breech. Evie saw almost a dozen whales in the water. Two entertained her especially. “They flew through the air like powerful angels with fin wings,” she said. “I love whales.” Don’t we all.

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