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Typewriter Artist: The Inspiring Story of Paul Smith

Guideposts Editor in Chief marvels at the typewriter artist Paul Smith who rises above serious limitations to express his creativity and thrive.

Celebrating typewriter artist Paul Smith and his inspirational story.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Roundabout 7th grade I enrolled in an intro typing class, mainly because it was about 80% girls, truth to tell. My enrollment was terminated halfway through the semester, due in part to my total incompetence at touch typing.

I was either staring at the Selectric keyboard the whole time or staring at…well, you can guess. That’s why I am typing this blog in my own unorthodox, hybrid method that blends touch with hunt and peck. I’m fast but I have to retype a lot of stuff.

Which is why the incredible story of Paul Smith amazed, inspired and shamed me (a little bit).

Like a lot of you I spend good deal of my day inputting information on an alphanumeric keyboard, probably as universal a tool as there is. I’ve never thought of it as much more than a device for getting my work done.

And then I came across this astonishing video about a man of incredible genius, faith and seemingly insurmountable limitations. A man named Paul Smith. Watch this video and you’ll never view your keyboard or typewriter the same. And it will make you rethink a whole lot of preconceptions you might have about people like Paul.

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