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Why Winter Is the Most Positive Season

Warm thoughts for a cold season

Comforts of winter
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

There’s a Japanese proverb that says, “One kind word can warm three winter months.” To me, this means that when the cold wind howls, the snow flies and the night comes on all too soon, a little love, a little kindness and a little warmth go a long way.

Because the cold and darkness of winter encourages us to value the warm and comforting things in our lives, I believe that winter is the most positive season.

Winter brings us inside, and it brings us closer to those we love. Walking a positive path through winter means embracing this opportunity, savoring low lights, flickering candles, quiet conversation, crackling fires and cozy activities from movie-watching to jigsaw-puzzling.

In winter, we might also find ourselves alone more than in other seasons. Enjoying our own company is a healthy habit to cultivate, and the peaceful solitude of a snowy evening can provide welcome space to daydream, brainstorm, journal…or play some festive music and warm up with a solo dance party.

Those of us who are gardeners look forward to the colorful garden catalogs that come in the winter mail. All things are possible when the ground is frozen solid and the growing season is months away. Let your imagination expand and plan to cultivate a garden that bursts with color and flavor. For that matter, you can use that same technique to brighten your outlook on your whole life!

Perhaps easiest of all, try sharing one kind word with someone you meet today. A smile, a greeting or an encouraging comment could warm winter months for that person—and for yourself in the process.

And if winter is less-than-positive for you right now, either because of the physical or emotional challenges of the season, you can always turn to the inspiring words of the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley: “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”

What do you think is the most positive season?

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