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Writing Notes of Encouragement

Four tips to keep in mind when you don’t know what to say.

Lenore Person

What do you say to a friend who has lost her job…is going through a divorce…dealing with a degenerative illness…or taking care of a chronically ill family member?

The first thing to realize is that even if people don’t look like the pressures of life are weighing them down, they may be putting on a brave face. Sometimes you need to be a detective to know when an encouraging word is needed.

When you sense a friend is going through hard times, you may want to send an uplifting card. You can’t change their circumstances, but you can remind them that they are not alone.

Here are four tips to keep in mind when reaching out to a friend in need or distress:

1. When emotions are at a breaking point…

Remind people of their good qualities and assure them of your love.

2. When life doesn’t make sense…

Remind people that truth doesn’t change when circumstances do.

3. When God seems distant…

Try to find a point of identification with the struggling person, but don’t say you understand if you really don’t.

4. When a relationship ends…

If possible, make time to be available. But don’t make promises you can’t keep.


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