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Be Kind: You Never Know Who’s Watching

As you go about your daily business, you never know if you’re inspiring someone or bringing them a moment of joy.

You never know when what you do or say will inspire someone.
Credit: Getty Images/Wavebreak Media

We never know when people are watching us. I was on faculty a few weeks ago at a big writer’s conference–one of my favorites each year. I love teaching and meeting with conferees for private appointments.

One of the attendees sent me a sweet email after the conference and told me about a moment that was her biggest joy. No, it wasn’t one of the sessions I’d taught or my presentation for orientation or the meetings I’d held with conferees. It was watching and listening to me as I sat in the foyer and talked on the phone with one of my grandchildren.

I’d slipped out between appointments and found a quiet corner in the lobby. People were walking by as they went from place to place, but I didn’t have a clue that anyone was paying attention. Not a clue.

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I’ve thought about that several times since I got her email. It’s made me wonder what people have seen in other moments when I didn’t know they were watching. I hope they saw Jesus in me, but I know that many times they’ve seen other things like impatience or a moment when I’ve been self-centered or unkind.

I had another reminder this week that others are watching. My five-year-old granddaughter, Ava, and her two-year-old brother, Nolan, came to spend a couple of hours with me one afternoon.

We settled down on the couch to watch a movie and snuggled under a blanket, Nolan on one side and Ava on the other. I could tell they were sleepy and as Ava tucked her head against my arm she said, “Grandmama, could you sing me that song?”

I looked at her, puzzled. “What song, baby?”

“The song you sing when you rock Nolan to sleep.”

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Tears filled my eyes as I started singing, “I love You, Lord.” I’ve sung that song to all the grandbabies, but I had no idea that she’d noticed me singing it to her brother.

So my prayer this week is, Lord, make me faithful in the little moments, because others are watching and I want them to see You—especially my precious grandchildren. That might be a good intention for all of us.

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