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7 One-Word Prayers for Grandkids

They bring so much joy to their parents and grandparents. Here are prayers for them inspired by just a word.

Grandfather spending time with his grandson.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto
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Our two grandsons are just beginning to talk. Single words. Silas, age 17 months, points to the picture of him held in his father’s arms in the latest issue of Joys of Christmas and says, “Dada.” Then points back to his father. “Dada.”

One-year-old Ricky can gesture at a banana. What comes out of his mouth sounds like “Nana.” A whole prayer request in one word.

In return, there are a host of one-word prayers for grandkids that we can turn to. Like these. Take your pick.

1)  Peace

“Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—in peace because they trust in you” (Isaiah 26:3). So much is going through the head of a kid, and there’s so much noise in the world out there, can we not pray continually for their peace?

2)  God

As I’m sitting in quiet prayer I often circle back to this single word, “God.” Making sure my attention is focused on the divine. I’m convinced that kids can feel God’s presence even before they can speak. When we took little Silas to church not long ago, he sat there transfixed for over an hour. God in his head.

3)  Love

How well I remember being afraid as a child. Afraid of the dark. Afraid of the big kids. Afraid of being alone. Afraid of the barking dog. How do we deal with fear? The Bible tells us, “Perfect love casts out fear.” Being brave in the dark isn’t what gets rid of fear. It’s the love. Just pausing for a moment with that barking dog and discovering that he wants to be patted and embraced.

4)  Friend

Remember that song we used to sing as kids, “What a friend we have in Jesus.” Friends. They are so essential to childhood and growing up. When you lean on Jesus, you know you have a friend. And a good friend is like having Jesus in your life.

5)  Happiness

I loved the way they put it in the Peanuts cartoon, with a picture of Lucy holding Snoopy: “Happiness is a warm puppy.” So much happiness out there. So much happiness to discover as a child. Watch out, Silas and Ricky, your Gramps might just launch into that song from “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.” All about happiness.

6)  Joy

Grandkids give joy to their parents and grandparents. We start giggling when we’re with them. We can’t help sharing the latest photos of them, spreading the joy all around. May those grandkids get a big taste of that joy back. Knowing about the joy they induce.

7)  Sleep

At the end of everyday it’s time for sleep. Not to mention naps in the middle of the day. Sleep is how the body and soul recover. Sleep is a gift to the parents as well, giving them a break from being constantly on the lookout. Sleep is the place of the last prayer of the day: “Now I lay me down to sleep…” The Good Lord all our souls to keep.

Can you think of more one-word prayers for grandkids?

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