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10 Remarkable Women of the Bible

The women of the Bible offer inspiring examples of hope, courage, and faith.

From Eve to Esther to Mary of Nazareth, many women in the Bible have powerful stories.

However, you might be surprised just how little they actually speak. Reverend Lindsay Hardin Freeman from Excelsior, Minnesota, led a study that counted every single word spoken by a woman in the Bible. They discovered that of the 93 women in the Bible, only 49 have names. And in total women only speak 14,056 words. Yet, consider how powerful those words can be.

“I think they have a lot to share with us about what it means to believe, what it means to have faith,” Reverence Freeman told Huffington Post.

In the stories of women in the Bible, we can find courage, strength, and resilience—but also gentle kindness and humility. Perhaps it is the complexity of these women that draw us to them and makes us want to learn more.

“These are ordinary people,” says Ann Spangler, one of the authors of the devotional, Women of the Bible. “They are not that different, emotionally, from us. They respond to God. Sometimes with faith, sometimes with very little faith. For me, that makes scripture even more authentic.”

If you are looking for guidance during a difficult time, or learning to trust the Lord when things are uncertain, these women’s stories can provide you with hope. Discover the background and life lessons of these strong women in the Bible.

The Annunciation of Mary by Francesco Albani tells the story of women in the Bible

1 of 10 Mary of Nazareth: Mother of Jesus

Mary of Nazareth, the mother of Jesus is a model of obedience and trust. She was just a teenager when the unimaginable happened—the angel Gabriel appeared to her and announced she was chosen by God to give birth to the Messiah. Learn more about Mary of Nazareth.

Ruth and Naomi by Pieter Lastman in stories of women of the Bible

2 of 10 Ruth: Loyal Daughter-In-Law

Ruth was a widow who showed remarkable faith. She traveled a difficult journey with her widowed mother-in-law to live in Bethlehem. Despite her tremendous loss, Ruth firmly believed that God would provide for her. She is a model of bravery, faith and obedience. Learn more about Ruth’s story.

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The Banquet of Esther and Ahasuerus by VICTORS, Jan

3 of 10 Esther: For Such a Time as This

Esther was a remarkable woman who put her own life at risk to save her people. She is an inspiring example of serving others under incredibly difficult circumstances. Her bravery and courage is still celebrated by Jews during Purim. Learn more about Esther, the woman who saved a nation.

The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise, 1791, by Benjamin West,

4 of 10 Eve: Mother of All Living

Eve was the first woman, first wife and the first mother. She was also the first to encounter Satan and was tempted by him to disobey God’s command. Evicted from the Garden of Eden and shamed, Eve remained hopeful and persevered in faith. Her life is an example of accepting personal responsibility. Learn more about Eve’s faith. 

Domenico Ghirlandiao, in 1491 of the Visitation

5 of 10 Elizabeth: Mother of John the Baptist

Elizabeth never had a child and was well past child-bearing years, when amazingly, through the grace of God, she conceived a son. Her child became John the Baptist, the prophet who foretold the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Elizabeth is beautiful example of how faithfully waiting on the Lord can bring miraculous blessings. Learn more about Elizabeth, a mother. 

Joseph von Führich 1800–1876 Jacob Encountering Rachel with her Father's Herds

6 of 10 Rachel: A Beloved Wife

Rachel was a beautiful woman who was wronged by her father who deceptively arranged for Leah, Rachel’s older sister, to marry Rachel’s love, Jacob. Rachel persevered and patiently waited seven years to become Jacob’s second wife. Unfortunately Rachel had difficulty conceiving and competed with Leah over Jacob’s love throughout her life. Learn more about what Rachel’s story can teach us. 

Giovanni Lanfranco  (1582–1647) Hagar in the Wilderness

7 of 10 Hagar: An Abused Woman

Hagar experienced prejudice, injustice and despair. She was Sarah’s servant and when Sarah could not have children she gave Hagar to her husband in the hopes Hagar would conceive. When Hagar became pregnant Sarah grew jealous and threw her out of their home. An angel found her alone in the desert. He promised a blessing on her child, naming him Ishmael, which means “God hears”. In response, Hagar declared: “You are the One who sees me.” Learn more about how Hagar’s story reminds us of God’s presence. 

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“Christ’s Appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection” by Alexander Ivanov from 1835

8 of 10 Mary Magdalene: A Devoted Follower

Mary Magdalene’s life has long been the subject of controversy and mystery. While historically, many have portrayed Mary Magdalene as a repentant prostitute, recently scholars dispute this belief. What is clear from the Bible is that Mary of Magdalene was healed by Jesus and became a devoted follower. Learn more about Mary Magdalene’s story. 

Georg Friedrich Stettner: Christ at the home of Martha and Mary

9 of 10 Martha of Bethany: A Dedicated Servant

Martha was a personal friend of Jesus. She and her siblings lived in Bethany when Jesus and Hs disciples stopped at their house. During Jesus’ visit Mary stayed at His feet and listened to Jesus speak while her sister Martha was busy preparing and serving the meal. Frustrated, Martha asked Jesus to order Mary to help her. Jesus responded, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Learn more about Martha of Bethany.

Benjamin West - Isaac's servant tying the bracelet on Rebecca's arm

10 of 10 Rebekah: A Chosen Wife

Rebekah’s life is an example of what happens when you rely on your own strength instead of trusting the Lord. Rebekah married Isaac. After many years of marriage, they did not have any children. Isaac prayed for God’s blessing and Rebekah became pregnant with the first twins mentioned in the Bible, Jacob and Esau. Unfortunately, from the very beginning Jacob and Esau did not get along. Rebekah and Isaac each took sides and chose favorites; she favored Jacob while Isaac favored Esau. Ultimately, Rebekah tricked Isaac to give blessings which were intended for the firstborn, Esau, to her favorite son, Jacob. Read more about what we can learn from Rebekah’s story. 

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