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9 Prayers for Christmas Hope

Find hope with these prayers from the Bible if your Christmas holds stress, despair and worry, says Guideposts blogger Bob Hostetler.
A lit Christmas tree outside in the snow with a Christmas prayer of hope
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The Christmas season, for many, is a time of memories, beauty and warmth. But for others it can be a time of struggle. They may grieve a loss or feel lonely. Or the holidays may stir up difficult memories. Christmas peace and Christmas joy are not automatic, and neither is Christmas hope. Hope can sometimes surprise us, but it can also be awakened. Hope can come, even to those in difficult circumstances, as a fruit of prayer. Let a Christmas prayer of hope guide you to it.

Here are nine prayers drawn from the Bible that can help foster an attitude of hope, not only at this time of year but all year long:

1)  Prayer of Hope for the Whole Day

Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long (Psalm 25:5, NIV).

2)  Prayer to Have a Need Met

God, I know Your eyes are on those who fear You, on those whose hope is in Your unfailing love. I believe You love me and will not fail me. I wait in hope for You; You are my help and shield (from Psalm 33:18, 20).

3)  Prayer for a Christmas Miracle

Mighty God, You have answered Your people many times with awesome and righteous deeds; You are the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas, who formed the mountains by Your power, having armed Yourself with strength, who stilled the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, and the turmoil of the nations. The whole earth is filled with awe at Your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, You call forth songs of joy (Psalm 65:5-8, NIV). What You have done before, do again, and in the meantime fill my waiting heart with hope.

READ MORE: 10 Christmas Miracle Stories to Comfort Us

4)  Prayer for Hope from God’s Word

Lord God, the psalmist said repeatedly, “I have put my hope in Your Word.” Even when my soul faints, I put my hope in Your Word, for You are my refuge and my shield. Send me light and blessing and hope—most of all, hope—as I read Your Word (based on Psalm 119:74, 81, 114, 147).

5)  Prayer of Healing

Jesus, the prophet promised You would not break a bruised reed or snuff out a smoldering wick; You show mercy to all, even to those who seem past hope, and in Your name the nations will put their hope (Matthew 12:20-22). Send hope to _______, until healing appears.

READ MORE: 4 Ways to Pray for Healing

6)  Prayer for Deliverance

Savior, You have delivered Your people from deadly peril, and will deliver them again. On You we have set our hope that You will continue to deliver us, especially __________. Send hope. Send deliverance. Send thanks for all Your gracious favor (from 2 Corinthians 1:10).

7)  Prayer for Christmas Hope in Abundance

God of hope fill me with all joy and peace as I trust in You, so that I may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (from Romans 15:13).

8)  Prayer for Growth in Righteousness

I am often displeased and discouraged with my spiritual life, Lord. But through the Spirit I eagerly await by faith the righteousness for which I hope (based on Galatians 5:5).

9)  Prayer for Future Christmases

Father, let the eyes of my heart be enlightened in order that I may know the hope to which You have called me, the riches of my glorious inheritance among Your holy people (Ephesians 1:18).

Imagine how your hope will take root and grow if you pray a Christmas prayer of hope even outside of the holiday season!

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