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10 Inspiring Prayers for Lent and Fasting

Fasting as a path to spiritual growth during Lent
A woman in write saying prayers for fasting
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This article includes:

A Unique Way to Use Lent Prayers

Last year, instead of giving something up like sugar or chocolate, I wanted to offer time and intentional appreciation during my Lent fasting. Something simple enough to continue all 40 days. Could I do this with Lenten prayers?

I made a list of 40 people who make my life better and hand wrote a note and prayer to each of them. My wonderful sister. A friend who mows my yard because I have chronic back pain. My mother. A friend who faithfully prays for me. My veterinarian, who helps me care for my aging German shepherd. The baggers at my favorite grocery store. “You came to mind as I was counting my blessings,” I wrote. “I wanted to write to tell you how much I appreciate you. You really bless my life!” So many people said they were touched to be remembered out of the blue that Lenten season. But I’m thankful for their kindness all year.

May your own Lenten journey of prayer through the wilderness of this world lead you to the glorious message of new life. Let these Lent prayers deepen your connection to Him in this holy season.

7 Lent Prayers to Strengthen Your Faith

Woman outside saying lenten prayers

Morning Prayers for Lent

1. Dear Lord, as I begin my journey toward spiritual growth, help me to look deep within myself and let go of the old and embrace the new life that comes from you. Amen.

2. Father, help me to see this holy season of Lent as a time of spiritual renewal, rather than a time of deprivation. Motivate me to reach a new level of experiencing Your grace. Amen.

Evening Prayers for Lent

3. Heavenly Father, during this Lenten season, give me a new and expanded vision for my life. Help me to live full of faith. Teach me to find hope in the face of adversity. Amen.

4. For God alone my soul waits in silence; for Him comes my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress. I shall not be greatly moved. Amen. (Psalm 61:1-2)

Short Prayers for Lent

5. Lord, Jesus Christ, fill me, I pray, with Your light and life. Amen. (Saint Ignatius of Loyola)

6. May this season of repentance bring us the blessing of Your forgiveness and the gift of Your light. Amen. 

7. As a deer pants for water brooks, so my soul longs for Thee, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God… Amen. (Psalm 42:1-2)

The Purpose of Fasting

Woman in her kitchen looking up and saying lenten prayers for fasting

If we were to meet an early Christian and ask about his or her most important spiritual discipline, the answer might surprise us. Because there’s a good chance Lent fasting would be high on the list. In fact, the New Testament contains about 20 references to fasting (depending on the version or translation you’re using). It was an important and valued part of early Christian experience. Fasting has various spiritual benefits and prayers for fasting can help us feel more connected to God during our period of fasting.

Yet some followers of Jesus today don’t fast. Some of us barely know what fasting is. Put simply, fasting is denying yourself something—usually (but not always) food—for a set period of time in order to focus your heart and mind more fully on God.

Early Christians fasted and prayed for clear direction and during special seasons of need. Fasting wasn’t only for special occasions, however; it was a way of exercising self-control and dethroning one’s all-too-human appetites while also aspiring to a new level of intimacy with and devotion to God. Fasting and prayer go together beautifully, especially during Lent fasting.

READ MORE: 15 Inspiring Bible Verses for Fasting

How to Fast

Woman at the table saying a lenten prayer for fasting

Whether you’ve tried before or not, or whether you’ve tried-and-failed or not, consider a fast as a way of enriching and expanding your spiritual life. There are numerous ways to do it. You may fast from food—for a meal, perhaps, or for a day. You may, as many do, fast from red meat on Fridays during Lent. You may fast from eating out or from eating dessert. But a Lent fast doesn’t have to be food-related. You may fast from a pleasure or a habit for a certain period. Common things people give up during Lent fasting include:

Whatever you fast from and however you choose to do it, Lent fasting can do wonderful and unexpected things in and for you—particularly if you soak your fast in prayer.

3 Short Prayers for Fasting

Man sitting in his bed and saying prayers for fasting

1. Prayer for Before Your Lent Fast

God, You are my God, and I seek You earnestly (Psalm 63:1). I seek You as I undertake this fast. I bow before You and ask You to purge me of all unworthy thoughts, words and deeds. Forgive my sins as I forgive those who have sinned against me. Keep me strong and alert during my fast. Protect me from the Evil One, deliver me from temptation and steer my mind and heart away from all distractions. Help me to bring my spirit, soul, body and mind into subjection and focus them on You, to Whom all praise belongs, amen. 

2. Prayer for During Your Lent Fast

Lord, the great and awesome God, Who keeps Your covenant of love with those who love You and keep Your commandments (Daniel 9:4), I give myself to You. I love You more than these things from which I fast. I seek You more than my own comfort and pleasure. Meet me here. Amen.   

3. Prayer for When Your Lent Fast Ends

Almighty God, my Father, thank You for being with me as I fasted. Stay with me as my fast ends, that I may not wane in my devotion to You. Remind me always of the purpose of Your fast, as You revealed through Isaiah: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke, to share my food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter, to clothe the naked and not to turn away from your my flesh and blood. Then, let it be so that my light will break forth like the dawn, and my healing will quickly appear, that my righteousness will go before me, and the glory of the Lord will be my rear guard, that I will call, and You will answer, that I will cry for help, and You will say: Here am I (see Isaiah 58:6-9). 


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