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9 Prayers That Will Help You Actually Embrace Change

Help for embarking on new chapters in your life

Brave new steps
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Maybe you’ll soon be getting married. Or starting a new job. Or launching a business. Or moving somewhere new or speaking publicly about something you’re passionate about. Or in some other way boldly going where you’ve never gone before. 

At such times, prayer can be your firma terra, your force field, and your fuel. If you’re about to take brave new steps of any kind, try adopting—or adapting—some of the following prayers: 

1)  “Lord, as you were with Abram when you called him out of Ur, so be with me in this new venture. You are my shield, my very great reward, and I know that nothing is too hard for You.” (Based on Genesis 15:1, 18:14)

2)  “May the God before whom Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has been my Shepherd all of my life to this day, bless these steps I now take.” (Based on Genesis 48:15-16)

3)  “God, make me strong and courageous in this new undertaking. Let me not be afraid or discouraged, knowing that as You were with Joshua so you will be with me wherever I go.” (Based on Joshua 1:9)

4)  “In what I am about to do, may I be like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season, whose leaf does not wither, and who prospers in whatever they do.” (Based on Psalm 1:3)

5)  “Lord, Your word says that You direct the steps of the godly and delight in every detail of their lives. Let it be so with me as I take the next steps on this path.” (Based on Psalm 37:23, NLT)

6)  “May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands.” (Psalm 90:17, NIV)

7)  “I trust in you, Lord, with all my heart. Help me not to lean on my own understanding but to acknowledge You in everything. Make my path straight. Help me not to be wise in my own eyes but to hear Your voice telling me, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” (Based on Proverbs 3:5-7 and Isaiah 30:21)

8)  “Lord Jesus, never let me forget that, whatever happens, You have promised to be with me always, all the way to the end of the age.” (Based on Matthew 28:20)

9)  “Father God, please grant that whatever I do, whether in word or deed, I may do it wholeheartedly, in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to You through Him.” (Based on Colossians 3:23) 

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