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10 Stress-Busting Faith Tips

How do you cope when feel stressed? Try these faith tips and prayers to calm down and connect with God.

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How do you cope when feel stressed? Try these faith tips and prayers to calm down and connect with God.

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A colorful, illuminating sunrise; Getty Images

1 of 10

Stand up to your fears with faith. Jesus, thank You for Your Light, which banishes fear and brings new hope of glorious beginnings.

A physician praying; Getty Images

2 of 10

When stress gets you down, stop what you’re doing—especially if you seem too busy—and pray. Dear Lord, help me to feel Your presence as a brilliant flame of hope that outshines even the darkest places.

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A figure on a mountaintop; Getty Images

3 of 10

No matter how overwhelming your problems, you need have no reason to worry. God will help you. Lord, You know my fears. Please give me the courage to do what I fear I can’t.

South Port Beach boardwalk at sunset; Getty Images

4 of 10

Hold onto God’s promises—they will protect you from fear and lead you to joy. Dear God, help me see beyond my fears to the beauty of Your creation.

A woman enjoying the Autumn weather; Getty Images

5 of 10

Relax and accept God’s grace in times of stress. Heavenly Father, thank You for relieving my stress. Because of You I can handle any and all of life’s challenges.

Pink flower growing on cracked street; Getty Images

6 of 10

Don’t be discouraged, take a moment and pray. Heavenly Father, in a world filled with change and uncertainty You are my constant Hope.

Woman with raised hands on mountain top; Getty Images

7 of 10

Free your mind from self-centered worry. Teach me, Lord to stop worrying about things that may never happen. Help me to open myself up to the happiness that is mine today.

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A man praying in church; Getty Images

8 of 10

Turn all your worry over to God and make sure that you hand over the controls too. Lord, with Your help I can triumph over even the toughest problems.

Golden wheat germs; Getty Images

9 of 10

When stress comes, counter it with an affirmation of faith. Father, Your love surrounds me; fill me with clarity, heal my stress.

Silouette of a woman praying; Getty Images

10 of 10

When you feel overwhelmed ask for Jesus’ guidance and blessing. Father, I know You love me and want to free me from worry. Guide me on how I should handle this problem.

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