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A Visit to Guideposts’ 2019 Annual Good Friday Day of Prayer

Guideposts held its first Good Friday Day of Prayer in 1970, and it’s been a beloved tradition ever since.

Guideposts held its first Good Friday Day of Prayer in 1970, and it’s been a beloved tradition ever since. Guests are invited to pray over thousands of prayer requests from across the country and around the world. Those unable to attend the event in person are encouraged to visit OurPrayerGoodFriday.org, where they can share  prayer requests and also pray for others.


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The event is held every year at the Peale Center in Pawling, New York. “The fact that this is going on for 49 years speaks volumes about what it means to those who attend,” says the Rev. Dr. Pablo R. Diaz, Vice President of Ministries for Guideposts Outreach Division.

Longtime Peale Center archivist Rev. George Hart.

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Guests are served a complimentary breakfast and lunch. They are also given the opportunity to tour the Peale Center with longtime archivist Rev/ George Hart. “There is an opportunity to sit in a little room and listen to a Dr. Peale sermon,” says Hart. “It’s nostalgic; it takes you back to a different era. That is part of why people feel so lifted up when they leave, because they’ve been inspired by someone who dedicated his life to service.”

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Katie Allen Berlandi, the seventh of Guideposts founder Norman Vincent Peale's eight grandchildren

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The featured speaker at this year’s event was Katie Allen Berlandi, the seventh of Guideposts founder Norman Vincent Peale’s eight grandchildren. Ms. Berlandi is a consultant for Guideposts and the Guideposts Foundation, and she is a member of the Guideposts Board of Directors.

Guests are invited to take part in the Nail It to the Cross Station where they can uplift concerns that are weighing heavily on their hearts.

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Guests are invited to take part in the Nail It to the Cross Station where they can uplift concerns that are weighing heavily on their hearts.


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Many people spend several hours at the event. “People like to linger,” says Diaz. “There are so many encouraging things that go on during this day. There are materials you can pick up. You can have a cup of coffee and sit with a stranger or sit with an old friend that you haven’t seen since last year and reconnect.”

Pablo Diaz and Guideposts President and CEO John Temple spend some time with one of the event's attendees.

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Pablo Diaz (left) and Guideposts President and CEO John Temple spend some time with one of the event’s attendees.

Rosemary McQuire (left) and Carolina Pichardo were among the Guideposts staffers who volunteered for this year's event.

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Rosemary McQuire (left) and Carolina Pichardo were among the Guideposts staffers who volunteered for this year’s event.

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Guideposts staffer Ty'Ann Brown (center) greets a pair of attendees for Good Friday Day of Prayer.

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Guideposts staffer Ty’Ann Brown (center) greets a pair of attendees for Good Friday Day of Prayer.

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