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10 Bible Prayers for Comfort and Hope

Whether you’re struggling with a national or personal crisis, here is some Scripture that will help.

Finding comfort and hope
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Prayer is a powerful force for good. At Guideposts, we believe in the strength of prayer to bring comfort, hope, and healing. Your generous donation today will help us continue to share the power of prayer with those in need. Together, through prayer and support, we can make a difference.

Troubling times often bring troubled thoughts, which in turn often bring more troubles, such as high blood pressure, insomnia and even depression. So, regardless of whether your day is sunny or overcast, it’s always a good idea to pray—and particularly to turn your prayers in the direction of comfort and hope. Here are ten that may help:

1) Psalm 10:17 (NLT)
“Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely You will hear their cries and comfort them.”

2) Psalm 33:18 (based on NIV)
“Lord, Your eyes are on me. I place my hope in Your unfailing love.”

3) Psalm 94:19 (based on TLB, NIV)
“God, when anxiety rises up in me, Your comfort gives me renewed hope and cheer.

4) Proverbs 18:10 (based on NIV)
“Your name, Lord, is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.”

5) Isaiah 40:31 (based on KJV)
“I wait on You, Lord, to renew my strength, that I may mount up with wings like an eagle’s; that I may run and not be weary, and walk and not faint.”

6) Jeremiah 29:11 (based on TLB, NIV)
“Lord, I know the plans You have for me are plans for good, not evil, plans to prosper me, not to harm me. Remind me that You are designing and arranging things to give me a hope and a future.”

7) Lamentations 3:22-24 (based on NRSV, NIV)
“Lord, Your steadfast love never ends. Your compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”

8) Romans 15:13 (based on NASB)
“God of hope, fill me with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit I may abound in hope.”

9) 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (based on NIV)
“God, help me not to lose heart, even when it feels like I’m wasting away. Remind me that inwardly I’m being renewed day by day. Show me how my troubles are achieving for me an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. Fix my eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

10) 2 Thessalonians 2:16–17 (based on NLT)
“Lord, You love me and by Your grace have given me eternal comfort and a wonderful hope. Now, comfort and strengthen me in every good thing I do and say.”

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