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Mantis Prayer

The newest edition to Dad’s garden became a symbol of our faith.

Praying mantis in prayer
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We’re going over to Dad’s tonight,” my husband said one day when he got home. “I got a call at work today: That cross Nathan’s been making is ready!”

The cross was a three-foot wooden cross our six-year-old nephew, Nathan, had spent hours making for his grandfather. No one was quite sure where Nathan had gotten the idea, but we all agreed it was a good one. Dad had relied on his faith more than ever since his Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Nathan’s homemade cross would be a great reminder of that faith.

The whole family gathered to see Nathan’s presentation.

“I’m going to put this in my garden,” Dad said.

We filed out to the backyard and sat on the porch. The cross stood tall amongst the flowers.

“Look,” Dad said suddenly. “A praying mantis!”

The green bug had landed on the cross, hands folded as if it knew just what it was doing. The perfect addition to Dad’s prayer garden.

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