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Praying for God’s Will in Your Life

Guideposts blogger Pablo Diaz shares how he learned to listen to God’s will for direction in his life.

How to pray for God's will in your life.
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The most important quest in one’s life is to identify God’s will, and I began mine early on. In my youth, I sought direction in choosing the best college, the right girl to marry and the correct vocation. 

As I matured and proceeded to make life choices, things changed, but my deepest desire to be in His will remained just as strong.

My parents and the faith community taught me to pray to God to find His will for my life. Prayer removes life’s greatest distractions and prepares our heart and mind to be attentive to the voice of God.

As Proverb 3:5 states, “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the one who will keep you on track.”

The voice of God speaks to us in different ways–through scriptures, books, other people’s stories and advice, even in the stillness of our souls. In silence, we can hear our inner voice and determine the path to take. Once our purpose aligns with His will for our lives, we can live up to our greatest potential.

Over time, I have come to realize that identifying God’s will isn’t always easy. When I returned to New York from California to be an interim pastor in Carmel, NY, I knew nothing of Guideposts, but at the time it was based in the same city.

It wasn’t long before I discovered Guideposts and felt the call to serve within the organization. I was taught that God does not reveal His entire plan all at once, but piece by piece to prevent us from going astray. My original plan was to move to New York City after serving as the interim pastor for a few years, but God had a different plan.

How have you discerned the will of God for your life? How has prayer assisted in the process? Please share with us. Are you in need of direction and guidance for your life? If so, please click here to request prayer for God’s will for your life.

Lord, help me to not lean on my own understanding, but to turn to You for guidance and counsel. Prepare my heart to hear Your voice and follow the path. 

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